Frequently Asked Questions - SocialX
What does your company do?
We connect retailers to consumers via our social media pages that have a
combined audience size of over 2,193,193 direct fans reaching their friends resulting in a collosal total reach of 7 million people per month.
What are your core demographics?
Females aged between 20 and 45, although we still have a large audience between 18 and 65+.
A large proportion of our fans are mothers with a passion for shopping online and buying for their family.
I'm a retailer and would like to advertise with you
Great! We tend to work with affiliate networks which act as an independant middleman between ourselves
and retailers. They help by verifying sales and collecting commission to pay on your behalf.
If you do not currently work with a network, please contact us and we'll only be too happy to provide a
list of them for you to contact.